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Gregory Smith is not your average 12 year old. A college sophomore with mighty aspirations, he travels the world over, speaking to heads of state and nobel laureates, advocating world peace and children's rights. At 12, he has already dedicated his life to serving children, and is noted to pass each day singing as he goes.
... posted on Aug 23 2002, 1,099 reads


An anonymous donor filled 50 envelopes with fifty dollars in cash, and then asked people to give the money away, with no restrictions – just try to do some good. Can 50 dollares make a real difference? One thing led to another, and, well, read the story.... posted on Aug 22 2002, 1,259 reads


The rubber tread on the huge wheel was worn, but the humble unicycle tire took Lutheran pastor Lars Clausen across America in his effort to help the Eskimos to whom he once ministered. On a journey that has raised 250 thousand dollars thus far, and will get him into the Guinness Book of World Records, Lars has finally reached the statue of Liberty and is now headed back westward. ... posted on Aug 21 2002, 1,190 reads


In Navajo culture, there is something called the First Laugh Ceremony. Tradition dictates that each Navajo baby is kept on a cradleboard until he or she laughs for the first time. Then the tribe throws a celebration in honor of the child's first laugh, which is considered to be his or her birth as a social being. (From: The Power of Laughter (c) Richard Lederer)... posted on Aug 20 2002, 1,100 reads


... posted on Aug 19 2002, 951 reads


The One Day’s Pay campaign promotes a simple idea: Gathering voluntary pledges
from people throughout the world who are willing to set aside all or a portion
of September 11 for community service in honor of those who lost their lives
as a result of the events that happened that day. ... posted on Aug 18 2002, 7,444 reads


... posted on Aug 17 2002, 1,310 reads


Horrified by the extreme poverty he witnessed on a trip to India, artist Mark Henson created a painting to depict the vulgar contrast he saw between material excesses and destitution. See his painting, Sharing the Wealth.... posted on Aug 16 2002, 1,440 reads


At this website, you can view the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell wa... posted on Aug 15 2002, 636 reads


The island of East Timor is the newest country in the world, having gained its independence from Indonesia on 20th May 2002.... posted on Aug 14 2002, 652 reads


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An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
Martin Buber

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